Thursday, February 21, 2008

Greek Restaurants on the back of toilet paper

I went to college in Madison at the University of Wisconsin. Despite no longer knowing the names of any of the players on the hockey team, I still cheer for them to win when they play DU. It is rumored that Madison is "where dreams go to get STD's" - Deiss.


I live in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Denver. Crack-whores and low lifes like to live here too. There are also modular furniture stores and the Tattered Cover here too. I like to walk over to the Bank and get hammered for cheap. Capitol Hill is also called Greek Town.

There are no good Greek restaurants in Greek Town.

I am in a book club that rocks my world. We have only had one meeting but I felt like such a hot shot intellectual snob that I almost wet myself. We read Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five". Its about the fire bombing of Dresden during World War II. Vonnegut lead an unimpressive life. I hear this book was written on the back of toilet paper.

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