Thursday, February 21, 2008

My boss is better than your boss

Things I like....

Nargila (not drugs, this is for smoking flavored tobacco) Rose is my favorite flavor. This was something I picked up when I visited Israel nine years ago. I am old.

Jess and I like to smoke nargila and drink turkish coffee while we play triominos (Dominoes with an extra special twist, see if you can guess what it is). Turkish coffee is like normal coffee except that you drink it out of a sake set while you smoke nargila. I have a pretty sake set.

If you haven't guessed: Triominoes have three sides, like Napoleans hat and the University of Colorado's chancellors's head.

I play hockey for a beer league at Big Bear Ice Arena. We did pretty bad during the fall. I was better as high schooler. I played for Hyland Hills. My team did pretty bad then too. Jaguars...yeah Jaguars.

I like to read obscure articles on the internet and pretend I have friends to discuss them with. Dilbert is in my top three favorite cartoon characters; the other three are

1. Dilbert
2. Banda (my boss)
3. The dog from "Get Fuzzy"

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